Tuesday, April 15, 2008

8/30/06 food log notes

August 30, 2006 fitday.com food log notes

moderate joint pain upon waking, probably due to lack of sleep and the stress that went along with that.

10:00 made pork sausage for breakfast from plain pork. wow, it was yummy! Had to wait around for the pork to thaw, so breakfast was a little later than I'd have liked, but not too late. Didn't get crashy or anything waiting. I think today will be decent. mood and motivation are good. need to get stuff cooking for lunch.

12:00 another great day! I'm getting tons done. did a snack at noon and then I'll have lunch ready by 2:00, then an early dinner, and another snack before dinner. Gonna try and get to bed early again tonight.

3:00 got a pretty sig flare from the date rolls. joint pain, fatigue, and a really heavy feeling stomach. feels like I tried to eat rocks. ugggh.

5:30 feeling a little better after dinner. energy kind of peetered out there for a while. ended up taking a nap on the couch with r. motivation was starting to lack. feel like things are gonna rebound now. hopefully. I got a whole kitchen of dishes to wash....

7:00 rebounded a little, but having to really push myself to stay motivated to do stuff. did get all the dishes done. now I need to work on getting a few more loads of laundry put away. patience has remained good today though.

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